bracelets everywhere

Our daughter has recently joined the Rainbow Loom craze. It’s entirely possible that we’re the last family on the bandwagon.  I hadn’t even heard of this thing until a friend of my husband was over and showed me one that his daughter had made for him. Then, of course, afterwards I was noticing them absolutely everywhere. It was only a day or so later when my daughter arrived home with one that a friend had made for her.


Eventually, I was given the ‘homework assignment’ (by my seven-year-old) to ‘google’ Rainbow Loom so that I could teach her how to make a fishtail pattern bracelet. Thank goodness for YouTube!! I found a tutorial there and Ashley did a great job with her explanation.


We are now bracelet-making experts…


craft time

During the first week of summer vacation my oldest got a free ride.  All play, all the time, in PJs past noon.  The whole deal.  And she loved it.  But that gets old really quickly.  For both of us.  So, this week we’re officially getting started with our summer routine.

Thankfully, she enjoys worksheets.  I told her that we would be doing schoolwork twice a week, she asked if we could do it three times.  Okay by me!!

She absolutely loves to draw, paint and do crafts of any kind.  There’s definitely a creative-streak in her and I encourage it at every opportunity.

Today we took out a gift that she received from my friend a while back.  PixOs MicrOs.  It’s a really cute kit and she loved working with it.

We sat together at the table for at least an hour as she picked out molds and which colors she wanted to use for each.  To be honest, the orange ones kind of reminded me of roe.  Maybe I was just hungry…and craving sushi.

Anyway, it was a nice (and quiet!) way to spend some time while the little one was napping.  Now I’ll have to come up with something just as entertaining as this for tomorrow!