race day

In 2.5 hours from now I’ll be in the midst of running my first 10k…

I have to admit, I’m feeling pretty unprepared for it.  I only started running again less than three months ago.  My focus at that point was building my endurance back up and getting into a (post-baby #2) higher intensity workout groove.  My hope was to start being a little more focused with my training at this point.  I wanted to factor in both a weekly speed session as well as hill intervals in addition to my long runs.  While I did recently start this, I don’t feel I started soon enough to benefit from it today.

I definitely find comfort in reminding myself that a 10k is approximately two miles less than several of my recent long runs.  And while I may not have gotten in as much hill work as I had hoped, I definitely don’t run on all flat roads.

(typical run elevation)

(10k course elevation)

So, I’ll finish.  I just wanted to be able to sit here this morning, sip my coffee and know that I would not just finish, but finish strong.

Up to this point, I’ve only run 5k’s.  My ‘strategy’ for a 5k once the gun goes off is pretty much: “BAAAH!! RUUUUUN!!” and I do (my version of) a sprint the entire way.  That won’t fly with longer distances.  I have the relay race coming up in August and my first half-marathon in October.  Part of my thought process in registering for a 10k was to get a feel for being in a race situation while being able to hold back a bit.  To actually pace myself and not get caught up in trying to run as fast as everyone else.  Regardless of what my finish time will look like, this will be a good experience for me.

Oh, and I also have the additional pressure of getting back home in time to get my daughter (and myself!) ready for her dance recital today.  Better run fast!!!!

6 thoughts on “race day

    • I saw your comment come in on my phone on the way to the race. As simple as it was, that reminder to ‘have fun’ was exactly what I needed at the time…thank you!!! 🙂

    • thank you!! omigoodness, it was definitley a memorable one!!! my goal was under an hour, my chip time was 57:18 🙂

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